BLOGGERS@HOME: Niki Brantmark, My Scandinavian Home

Die Engländerin Niki Brandmarkt lebt mit ihrer Familie in einem wundervollen Haus am Wasser im schwedischen Malmö. Das lichtdurchflutete Einfamilienhaus ist chic und gleichzeitig auch funktionell. Die Liebe für skandinavisches Design ist überall zu sehen und diese Passion teilt Niki auch täglich auf ihrem tollen Blog.

Niki Brandmark is an English girl living in Sweden. Her lovely blog reflects her love for Scandinavian design… and so does her fantastic home.


Where is your house located and who do you live with?
I live in a house by the sea in Malmö, Sweden, with my husband, two little girls and stepson.

What makes your house your home?
Being surrounded by the people and items I love.

What do you love most about your space?
Probably the light. We have large floor to ceiling windows and an open plan layout which helps to let in as much natural light as possible. This is vital when you live somewhere that’s pretty dark for 6 months of the year!

What is your favorite thing to do at home?
Do I have to narrow this down to one thing? That’s a tough one! I might need to cheat a little! I love to paint and make collages with my girls at the kitchen table, light some candles in the evenings and sit and chat over a glass of wine with my husband and/ or friends, I love to decorate – my home is constantly changing depending on my mood, and most of all my family and I love to crank the music up and dance like no one’s watching!

Sum up your home life in one sentence.
A beautiful mix of chaos and calm.

Thank you Niki for sharing your home with us.
Photographs: Niki Brantmark, My Scandinavian Home
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