Home Tour: zu Besuch bei Ida Thun

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Die Schwedin Ida Thun arbeitet als freie Fotografin und lebt mit ihrem Mann und ihrer Hundedame Elsa in Dublin. Die ehemalige Grundschullehrerin ist ein riesen Styling-Talent und hat ihr Haus traumhaft eingerichtet. Stilsicher kombiniert sie Designklassiker mit IKEA Möbel und hat zudem auch noch ein Händchen für DIY’s. Die schmucke Bank am Esstisch ist übrigens ein IKEA Hack. Dafür hat sie die Skogsta Bank schwarz gestrichen und die Sitzflächen mit Baumwollseil umwickelt. Ziemlich cool, oder?

Ich konnte Ida auch noch gleich ein paar persönliche Fragen stellen. Das Interview (auf Englisch) findet ihr am Ende des Beitrags.

Where is your house located and who do you live with?
I live in an apartment in Dublin, Ireland. I moved here from Sweden with my husband and our little dog Elsa.

What do you do for a living? I read somewhere that you paint as well?
I work as a freelance photographer, content creator and social media manager. I guess you can say I have a very versatile work where I have many outlets to be creative. I love my job and I’m so happy that I have the opportunity to decide when and where I want to work and my dog Elsa also enjoys it since I often work from home. I’m by no means a painter or an artist, but I like to do small DIY:s in my home with a brush and some paint.

What makes your house your home?
Our simplistic Scandinavian style and the soft and neutral tones. I always have a lot going on in my head, always planning and thinking ahead so I need a calm and relaxing space where I can wind down and not feel stressed.

What do you love most about your space?
Our open spaces, even though we live in a pretty small apartment it feels bigger with the open spaces and the big windows that let in lots of natural light.

What is your favorite thing to do at home?
Relax! As I previously mention I like to do some small DIY:s at home (paint book covers, trays and so on) and usually, I do it while listening to a podcast or an audiobook. I have a big fascination for true crime so it’s usually something crime-related.

Sum up your home life in one sentence:
Calm and relaxing, my home is my stress-free zone.

All ihre Inspiration und DIY Projekte teilt Ida übrigens auf ihrem Instagram Account.

Fotos: Ida Thun


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